Beyond the Bean: Discovering the Delights of Coffee Cupping

What even is cupping?

Coffee lovers around the world know that there is much more to this popular beverage than just a morning pick-me-up. From the rich history of coffee cultivation to the complex science of brewing, there is always something new to learn and explore.

An area often overlooked by casual coffee drinkers is the world of coffee cupping. This unique experience is enjoyed by coffee professionals and enthusiasts alike, offering a chance to delve deeper into the flavors and aromas of different coffee varieties. Cupping is an important tool for coffee roasters and other professionals who need to evaluate the quality of different coffee beans. It’s also a fun and engaging experience for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding and appreciation for coffee.

The process of coffee cupping starts with the selection of high-quality coffee beans. These beans are then roasted to a specific level to bring out their best flavors and aromas. Once the beans are roasted, they are ground and placed in a cup. Hot water is then added to the cup to release the flavors and aromas of the coffee.

The taster evaluates the aroma of the coffee, looking for notes of fruit, nuts, chocolate, or other flavors. The taster then uses a spoon to ridiculously slurp the coffee, allowing it to coat their entire palate so they can evaluate the taste and body of the coffee. This process is repeated several times to assess the coffee at different temperatures. Coffee roasters and manufacturers use this ritual to discover new flavors and aromas for the development of new coffee blends and products.

While coffee cupping may seem like a simple process, there is a lot of skill and knowledge involved in doing it well. Coffee professionals can become certified through organizations like the Specialty Coffee Association, which offers rigorous training and evaluation in the art of cupping. It’s not all serious business though, it can also be a fun and playful experience. Coffee cupping can be a great way to explore different flavors and aromas of coffee, and to discover new favorites. It’s also a social activity that can be enjoyed with friends and colleagues.

Cupping Goes Local

This week, Scout Café hosted Rock Bottom Roasters and Lucky Shot Coffee Company for an inaugural cupping event at their location on Baynard Boulevard in Wilmington Delaware. Laughter accompanied the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee as participants gathered around the cupping bar to sample a variety of beans. The menu consisted of coffee beans from Papua New Guinea, Uganda, Honduras, DR Congo, and Mexico.

As each new coffee was tasted, the room erupted in chatter as coffee aficionados shared their thoughts and opinions on each coffee’s unique flavor profile. Rock Bottom Roasters took this opportunity to get feedback on different beans and collaborate with local cafes on our quest to brew the perfect cup. The event was a success, and it was clear that Rock Bottom Roasters has a passion for not only roasting great coffee but sharing it with others to form bonds in the local coffee community.

Make sure to be on the lookout for future tasting events open to the public. Expand your coffee horizons and travel Beyond the Bean with Rock Bottom Roasters.

If you’re interested in hosting a private tasting for your event or business, reach out to for more information! It’s a great way to get everyone engaged while enjoying some really cool coffees!


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